Ginkgo Biloba Extract
Ginkgo biloba is the most commonly ingested herb for brain health. While it can boost cognition, this effect is not very reliable.
Products name: Ginkgo Biloba Extract
Synonyms: Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract
Plant Source Dry leaf of Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo biloba L.)
Active Ingredient: flavonoids contain isorhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin
Ginkgolides contain ginkgolide A, B, C and bilobalide
Characteristics: Yellowish brown powder
1. Ginkgo Biloba Extract water Soluble
Flavones NLT 24% Lactone NLT 6%
Quercetin/Kaempferol 0.8-1.2 Bilobalide NLT 2.5% Gingko Acid<5PPM
Solubility 1g /1000ml water ,1g/100 ml water ,5g/100ml water at 25°C
2. Ginkgo Biloba Extract CP2010
Flavones NLT 24% Lactone NLT 6%
Gingko Acid<10PPM Gingko Acid <5PPM
Quercetin/Kaempferol 0.8-1.2 Isorhamnetin/ Quercetin NLT 0.15
3. Ginkgo Biloba Extract 24%/6%
Flavones NLT 24% Lactone NLT 6% HPLC
4. Ginkgo Biloba Extract USP30
Total Flavones 22-27% HPLC Total Lactone ≥5-12% HPLC
Gingko Acid<10PPM Gingko Acid <5PPM HPLC
Lactones( A+B+C)≥2.6-5.8% Bilobalides ≥2.8% HPLC
5. Ginkgo Biloba Extract EP
Total Flavones ≥24% HPLC Total Lactone ≥5-7% HPLC
Gingko Acid<5PPM HPLC Lactones( A+B+C)≥2.6-3.4% HPLC
Bilobalides ≥2.8-3.4% HPLC
To promote blood circulation
Anti-oxidant activity
Anti-Aging activity
To reduce the unpleasant premenstrual symptoms, especially breast pain and emotional instability
To help to maintain eyesight of patients with ARMD