Cranberry Extract

Cranberry Extract  20160109769838.png

       The Cranberry(Oxycoccos) is a red berry, planted in North Amercia, rich polyphenol etc. antioxidant. And more, cranberry contain Vitamin C and bioflavones, prevent Alzheimer's.  

Active Ingredient  Cyanidin-3-o-glucoside



1. Antioxidant Effect

2. Radical-Scavenging Effect

3. Anti-cancer 

4. Anti-adhesion properties and Anti-bacteria infections in the urinary system

5. Cardiovascular Protection

6. Inhibit Obesity

7. Inhibit Diabetes

8. Tooth Protection Effect

9. Prevent Alzheimer's

Characteristics: Dark purple powder, slightly special flavor


1> Anthocyanidins 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%   UV

2> Anthocyanins(Anthocyanosides) 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%   HPLC

3> Proanthocyanidins(OPC) 5%-50%   UV